1) One self-assessment report of the Leadership Circle Profile
2) One 90-min Debriefing plus three 45-min Coaching sessions.
3) Define your leadership archetype and your strengths.
4) Identify one to two growth areas for self-development.
1) One self-assessment report of the Leadership Circle Profile
2) One 90-min Debriefing plus three 45-min Coaching sessions.
3) Define your leadership archetype and your strengths.
4) Identify one to two growth areas for self-development.
1) One self-assessment report of the Leadership Circle Profile
2) One 90-min Debriefing plus three 45-min Coaching sessions.
3) Define your leadership archetype and your strengths.
4) Identify one to two growth areas for self-development.
Knowing your self-perceived leadership style
Knowing yourself is the starting point
Where do you want to be?
“The 3C's in life: choice, chance, change.
You make a choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in your life to change.”