
It takes courage to be vulnerable. You feel that you are showing weakness, and you don't know how other people will see you or judge you. You feel exposed. Your ego is shouting, "stop it! Don't let other people' win'"!


There is a degree of surrender and humbleness. Surrender to what lies underneath your persona.


You finally choose to be vulnerable because it is true to yourself. It is honesty. It's your authenticity calling.


Surprises happen after you show your vulnerability.


Surprise I – Connection 


There will be people offer their love to you, or provide their sympathy, or empathy. Perhaps there will be people ended up forming deeper bonding with you.  


Surprise II – Clarity


Vulnerability brings data points about people's needs – yours and others.


Surprise III – Meanings 


When you are open to seeing what happens after showing your vulnerability, you will start to have glimpses of the meaning behind the design of our universe. Eventually, it will bring peace of mind.


Vulnerability does not make you weak. It makes you strong.

Vulnerability is an invitation for connection, clarity, meaning, and peace.

Vulnerability is courage.

Take it, embrace it, and be amazed.


Leadership habit 1: Don’t give advice. Do Inquire with powerful questions.

