What Coaches Do..

A Coaching session looks like this:

You will decide what areas or topics you feel like working with your coach, and your coach will listen to you attentively with no judgment. You will feel safe, supported, and free. 

Your coach will support you with compassion, and you will be reminded that you are a miracle, you are worthy, we are all human beings, and we are all connected. 

At times, your coach will serve you like your mirrors - so you can see your life story with several different perspectives. You will see your strengths and all the positivities and possibilities you may have overlooked. 

When the time is right, your coach will challenge you so that you have the courage to look over your growth edge and see the new space to thrive. You will see that there is no need to prove yourself because you already have everything you need. All you need to think about is how to continue moving forward and upward toward your wellness vision.

Your coach is different from experts or educators who provide answers or quick fixes for you. You don’t need to be ‘fixed.’ You are a whole person, and you have everything needed to flourish.

Your coach will collaborate with you to craft your Wellness Vision, identify strategies, and design baby steps to test and learn what works the best for you!

Here is a scheme to illustrate the role of the coach, and the Coach-Client relationship:

Evidence-based Approach

The coaching methods used in my coaching sessions are backed up with solid scientific evidence that shows they work effectively.

I am a practitioner of Coaching Psychology, which integrates more than fifteen other fields and implements the principles of Positive Psychology, an area focused on the scientific study of happiness and well-being.

Below are some resources to to learn more about Health & Wellness Coach and what it can achieve:

  1. Introduction Health & Wellness Coaching. https://instituteofcoaching.org/resources/introduction-health-and-wellness-coaching

  2. What is Wellness Coaching. https://www.wellcoach.com/memberships/images/What_WellnessCoaching.pdf

  3. Health and Wellness Coaching Improves Weight and Nutrition Behaviors. Kennel J. (2018). Health and Wellness Coaching Improves Weight and Nutrition Behaviors. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 12(6), 448–450. https://doi.org/10.1177/1559827618792846

  4. Delivery Change That Last . Sforzo, Gary A. Ph.D., FACSM; Moore, Margaret M.B.A.; Scholtz, Michael M.A. DELIVERING CHANGE THAT LASTS, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal: March/April 2015 - Volume 19 - Issue 2 - p 20-26 doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000109.

  5. Health and wellness coaching positively impacts individuals with chronic pain and pain-related interference. Rethorn ZD, Pettitt RW, Dykstra E, Pettitt CD (2020) Health and wellness coaching positively impacts individuals with chronic pain and pain-related interference. PLOS ONE 15(7): e0236734. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236734

  6. Study finds wellness coaching benefits last over time. Study finds wellness coaching benefits last over time