Inner voices
I don't know about you, but I often have many inner voices. Even more often, they tell me conflicting messages!
This morning, one part of me urged me to complete the tasks on hand as soon as possible. Yet, another part of me told me - Slow down, Tiger! Why are you doing what you do?
At other times, there are other voices. One voice tells me I need to use my time to continue proving my worth to my company/organization/world. Another voice tells me I should spend more time nurturing my relationship with my family. Oh, there is another one. She tells me that I need to be authentic; even I can look like a freak in others' eyes.
No, such a phenomenon does not make me schizophrenic. Neuroscience shows that we all have many inner voices most of the time because - we are human beings. These voices could come from the core values of our unique DNAs, the environment we grew up in, or the social norms & cultural contexts.
So, what do we do about these conflicting voices? You can find the answer by starting to ask: 'what do I want to do about it?' Allow that answer to lead you to decide your path. Your light will begin to shine through.
Trust yourself.